Stats API edit

To get the aggregated statistics you see in our dashboard, use this Stats API. This API helps integrate Simple Analytics into your systems. For example, you can get KPIs out of your data or embed your data into a customized dashboard.

If you are looking for raw data, you can use our Export API.

For this API, you need to be authenticated with an API key. If your website is public, you can get the JSON data without credentials.

You can find the Stats API by adding .json to the URL of your dashboard in Simple Analytics. For example, for our website, it is:

See the live response to the above request.

Query parameters #

We have a list of query parameters that you can use with this API.

All query parameters

The complete list of all query params you can use with the latest Stats API.

  • version the version of the API (the latest version is 5)
  • start the start date with this format YYYY-MM-DD (defaults to 1 month ago)
  • end the end data with above format (defaults to today)
  • limit a limit for the fields (1-1000)
  • timezone a valid time zone like Europe/Amsterdam (with capitals)
  • info shows more information about fields in the response (defaults to true)
  • callback wraps the response in a callback for JSONP
  • events a list of specified events and how much they occurred
  • fields a comma seperated list of fields you want to get returned:
    • pageviews the total amount of page views in the specified period
    • visitors the total amount of visitors (unique page views) in the specified period
    • histogram an array with page views and visitors per day
    • pages a comma seperated list of pages you want to get stats for
    • countries a list of country codes
    • referrers a list of referrers (normalized)
    • utm_sources a list of UTM sources
    • utm_mediums a list of UTM mediums
    • utm_campaigns a list of UTM campaigns
    • utm_contents a list of UTM contents
    • utm_terms a list of UTM terms
    • browser_names a list of browser names
    • os_names a list of OS names
    • device_types a list of device types (mobile, tablet, desktop, tv)
    • seconds_on_page the median of seconds a visitor spent on the page (see more)
All filters

You can filter the returned data. Here is the list of filters you can use.

  • page filter by a page
  • pages filter by a comma separated list of pages (/contact,/product/*)
  • country filter by a country code
  • referrer filter by a referrer (normalized)
  • utm_source filter by a UTM source
  • utm_medium filter by a UTM medium
  • utm_campaign filter by a UTM campaign
  • utm_content filter by a UTM content
  • utm_term filter by a UTM term
  • browser_name filter by a browser name
  • os_name filter by a OS name
  • device_type filter by a device type (mobile, tablet, desktop, tv)

These filters don’t have effect on the events query parameter.

Get data for specific pages #

With the Stats API, you can also retrieve data for a specific page of your website. You can specify this via the pages parameter:

You can also add the path to the URL, and Simple Analytics returns the data for only that path. For example, if you want to know how many visits you got on, you can get the JSON with this URL:

Wildcards #

The filtering parameters support wildcard searches. It’s as easy as adding an * at the end of your parameter value. If you want to search for pages with a path that starts with /web, you can get it via*). If you wish to get all pages that contain a word in its path, you should use*terms*).

Time on page #

To get the median of time on page you can use the field seconds_on_page. This field is a bit more special than the rest. It also includes the seconds_on_page within the results you select with other fields. For example, when you choose some pages with the request:,seconds_on_page&pages=/,/contact

it embeds the time on page in those pages:

  "seconds_on_page": 26,
  "pages": [
      "value": "/",
      "pageviews": 100,
      "visitors": 50,
      "seconds_on_page": 25
      "value": "/contact",
      "pageviews": 60,
      "visitors": 30,
      "seconds_on_page": 20

Note the seconds_on_page being part of the pages ánd part of the root of the JSON response. We have an explainer on time on page, which goes into more detail about the metric and why we did choose to make it a median instead of average.

Date placeholders #

See helpers to learn how to use &start=today-30d&end=yesterday.

Events #

Get event counts by adding the events=...-param to your request. To get the counts of the events (visit_homepage, popup_replace_show, popup_replace_close), you can run this request:,popup_replace_show,popup_replace_close
  "events": [
      "name": "visit_homepage",
      "total": 233
      "name": "popup_replace_show",
      "total": 117
      "name": "popup_replace_close",
      "total": 61

If you use events=*, all events are returned (limited to 1000 events).


By default, we allow requests from any website. Some customers want to use JSONP for their requests. Learn more about how to use JSONP with Simple Analytics.