Install Simple Analytics via Google Tag Manager edit

You can embed our script via Google Tag Manager. We have an official Community Tag. Here is how to install this tag.

Start at the Google Tag Manager homepage and follow the instructions:

If you prefer text instructions, follow this guide:

  1. Click “Add a new Tag”
  2. Click “Choose a tag type to begin setup…”
  3. Click the blue bar “Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery”
  4. Search for “Simple Analytics”
  5. Click “Add to workspace”
  6. Click “Add” in the popup
  7. Change some settings if needed
  8. Click “Choose a trigger to make this tag fire…”
  9. Select “Initialization - All Pages”
  10. Click “Save” to save the tag

Now you added the Simple Analytics Tag with a trigger. Next, you can preview or submit the changes and your page views will be collected in Simple Analytics. Make sure to have a website set up in Simple Analytics to collect the data.

Custom domain

To set up our tag with a custom domain, you will need to add your custom domain to your permissions. In this video we explain how to do this:

If you encounter issues, don’t hesitate to contact us via our support channels.