Install Simple Analytics on WordPress edit

You can embed our script in WordPress using a plugin. On this page we will explain how to download this plugin and help you installing the Simple Analytics plugin on WordPress.

There are a few ways to add our embed script to your WordPress site. We offer an official plugin that has limited options. If you want to use all script features, use the Head & Footer Code plugin. If you want to enable basic tracking of page views, use the offical plugin down below.

There are two non-official plugins made by others. They have more features then the official plugin:

See our plugin in action by creating a temporary Wordpress website on in one click. Do note that by default we don’t collect from logged in admins, log out to see the requests to Simple Analytics.

Install official plugin via WordPress dashboard

  1. Go to your WordPress admin (likely on /wp-admin or
  2. Go to plugins in your WordPress admin and click on Add new:

  3. Click on Search Plugins and type simpleanalytics (do not use a space)
  4. Click on Install Now
  5. After this click on Activate and our plugin is installed

Do note that your own visits are not counted in our dashboard. Log out from Wordpress to see your own visits appear in the dashboard.

Manual installation

Follow these steps to add Simple Analytics to your WordPress website:

  1. First download our plugin via WordPress:
  2. Go to your WordPress admin (likely on /wp-admin or
  3. Next click on Plugins > Add New in the sidebar menu:

  4. Click on the Upload Plugin button:

  5. Click on Browse to select a file (this button can have different text depending on your browser):

  6. Browse and select the file that you downloaded in the first step:

  7. Click on the button Install Now:

  8. Click on Activate Plugin:

  9. If the Simple Analytics plugin is successfully installed it shows a screen like this:

If you encounter issues, don’t hesitate to contact us via our support channels.