Trigger custom page views 
Normally you want to trigger a custom page view for Single Page Apps (SPA’s) like React, Vue, and Angular. Because pages are not completely reloaded on navigation we need a way to track those navigations as page views.
For some analytics tools like Google Analytics you need to trigger a page view via their script. For Simple Analytics this is different.
With Simple Analytics there is no need to implement anything to detect page views in SPA’s. It all works out of the box.
Technical explanation
We make this work by overwriting the native pushState
-function of the browser.
// We check if the browser supports pushState
if (history.pushState && Event && dispatchEvent) {
// We create a listener based on the original browser feature
var stateListener = function (type) {
var orig = history[type];
return function () {
var rv = orig.apply(this, arguments);
var event = new Event(type);
event.arguments = arguments;
return rv;
// We connect our own created a listener to the pushState feature
history.pushState = stateListener("pushState");
// Now we can listen for pushState events and keep the original feature of the browser working
window.addEventListener("pushState", function () {
// Here we trigger the page view
You can read our source code on GitHub.
Use custom collection anyway
There might be situation where you don’t want to auto collect page views. When you add the data-auto-collect="false"
attribute you can expose a function called sa_pageview
. When you call this function, the script will send a page view with the path you give as a parameter. If you don’t give a path it will use window.location.pathname
as a default.
function saLoaded() {
// Always check for the function before using it.
// The script might be blocked or not loaded for other reasons.
if (window.sa_pageview) window.sa_pageview(window.location.pathname);
If you encounter issues, don’t hesitate to contact us via our support channels.