Install Simple Analytics on Cloudflare edit

You can embed our script in Cloudflare using Cloudflare Apps. On this page we will explain how to use this feature and help you installing the Simple Analytics app on Cloudflare.

This CloudFlare app does not install the custom domain for you. You need to add it yourself if you want to use it.

Follow these steps to add Simple Analytics to your website:

  1. Go to the Simple Analytics app on Cloudflare
  2. Make sure you are logged in
  3. Click on Preview on your site:

  4. You can customize some settings like recording DNT users, a custom domain, track events, or enabling hash navigation. Once you’re done click the button Finish installing onto your site:

  5. Next click on the domain where you want to add Simple Analytics on:

  6. Next click on Install on all pages:

  7. Next click on Continue (we don’t use your email):

  8. On the next page you will see the Simple Analytics app installed:

If you encounter issues, don’t hesitate to contact us via our support channels.