Exclude your IPs edit

This feature allows you to exclude specific IP addresses from being tracked. Visits from these IPs will no longer appear in your analytics data. This is helpful for filtering out traffic from internal users or other known IPs that could impact your data.

The exclusion applies only to visits from the moment you save the IP addresses. Previous visits from these IPs will remain in your analytics data. To ensure privacy, we never store the IP addresses of visitors. The only IPs stored are the ones you manually input into this feature. Currently, only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Steps to exclude IP addresses:

  1. Go to the “Excluded IP Addresses” section in your account settings.
  2. Enter the IPv4 addresses you want to exclude, separated by commas. Example:,
  3. Use the “Use your current IP address” option to quickly add your current IP to the list.
  4. Click the Save excluded IPs button to apply the changes.

This exclusion is applied globally across all websites linked to your account.