Install Simple Analytics with Vue.js edit

Run this command to install Simple Analytics for Vue:

npm install simple-analytics-vue

Import Vue in your app

Import the plugin and add it to Vue.use. You can add a skip option which will define when page views should be skipped. This can be useful if you want to skip page views from yourself when developing your app.

import SimpleAnalytics from "simple-analytics-vue";
import Vue from "vue";

Vue.use(SimpleAnalytics, { skip: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" });

You can also pass a function or promise to skip, which will be validated before injecting the Simple Analytics embed code:

import auth from "lib/auth";
Vue.use(SimpleAnalytics, { skip: auth.isAdminPromise });

You can also optionally specify a custom domain to bypass ad blockers. Read more about this in our documentation.

Vue.use(SimpleAnalytics, { domain: "" });


To send an event, use the globally available saEvent method.

// ~/src/components/Comment.vue
  methods: {
    likeComment (comment) {
      // code to like comment

Note: Simple Analytics does not run on localhost. You can still fire events, but they will be captured and logged in the console for debugging purposes.


Create a file in your plugin folder with the name simple-analytics.js:

// ~/plugins/simple-analytics.js

import SimpleAnalytics from "simple-analytics-vue";
import Vue from "vue";

Vue.use(SimpleAnalytics, { skip: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" });

Then on your nuxt.config.js, make sure to include the plugin with ssr: false as we only want to run it on the client:

// nuxt.config.js

export default {
  plugins: [{ src: "~/plugins/simple-analytics.js", ssr: false }],

If you need any additional configuration options (as mentioned above), you need to apply them to your plugin.